Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Inspiration & Sewing

I started sewing, sort of, when I was little. I used to take old scraps of fabric my mom had and hand sew little crude dresses for my dolls. Then in high school, I took a sewing class, and used a machine for the first time, making pillows, pajama pants, easy stuff like that. In college, I used a friend's machine occasionally, and made myself a couple of very simple skirts. I always really liked sewing, but for some reason never jumped head-long into it.

Then, this past fall, I bought myself a sewing machine. It sat in my craft room for a long time, untouched. I think it intimidated me. I recently felt motivated though, by this:

It's a quilt that was made by the woman who lived across the street from me growing up, and given to me (and Ben) for my baby shower. It means so much to me, and I realized that I want to create more things like this, both for Ben and to give to other people.

I'm not quite bold enough to start with a quilt (soon though, perhaps, as I'm sick of the one we have in the master bedroom)... I went over to a friend's house about a week ago, and she was able to help me with three projects - pajama shorts for my neighbor's daughters birthday, and two pairs of pajama "Capri pants" for Ben (note to self, buy more fabric next time).

And yes, I did paint the shirts to match. I love freezer paper stenciling! I'll post on that soon.

There will definitely be more sewing projects in the future, especially since I have a dedicated crafting space in our basement now.

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